Kesha è tornata con un nuovo singolo, ecco Joyride

05 Lug 2024 Anthony Festa • Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

Kesha il singolo Joyride

A poco più di un anno da Fine Line e Eat The Acid, Kesha è tornata con un nuovo singolo, Joyride. Dopo l’ultimo comeback in cui ha preferito concentrarsi sul racconto di quello che ha subito, piuttosto che su ritmi accattivanti e pezzi catchy, questa volta Kesha ha sfornato un brano orecchiabile e che in parte ricorda i suoi vecchi successi. Non sarà Tik Tok o Blow, ma siamo sulla giusta strada. Bentornata Kesha!

Kesha, Joyride: il testo.

Are you a man? ‘Cause I’m a b**ch
I’m already rich, just looking for that (Mm)
This party sucks, I’m ’bout to ditch
Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t even try to gi-give me shit
I’ve earned the right to b-be like this
Oh, you say you love me? (That’s funny)
Well, so do I

I’m just looking for a joyride, joyride
I’m just looking for a good time tonight
Baby, I want you to

Rev my engine ’til you make it purr
Keep it kinky, but I come first
Beep-beep, b**ch, I’m outside
Get in, loser, for the joyride
Making every motherfucker turn
Fell from heaven, no, it didn’t hurt
Beep-beep, best night, your life
Get in, loser, for the joyride


Get in, loser, for the joyride

Keep your eyes on the road
A label whore but I’m bored of wearing clothes
You want kids? Well, I am Mother
Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t even try to gi-give me shit
I’ve earned the right to b-be like this

Joyride, joyride
I’m just looking for a good time tonight
Baby, I want you to

Rev my engine ’til you make it purr
Keep it kinky, but I come first
Beep-beep, b**ch, I’m outside
Get in, loser, for the joyride
Making every motherfucker turn
Fell from heaven, no, it didn’t hurt
Beep-beep, best night, your life
Get in, loser, for the joyride

Don’t even, don’t give me shit
Don’t even, even, ’cause I’m a b**ch
Don’t even, don’t give me shit
I’m a bi—, I’m a b**ch
Don’t even, don’t give me shit
Don’t even, even, ’cause I’m a b**ch
Don’t even, don’t, don’t even, don’t, don’t even
I’m a bi—, I’m a b**ch

Get in, loser, for the joyride

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